The type of sewing machines put on sale by the Janome is:. Janome is responsible for producing a wide fleet of options to the seamstresses. That number itself gives us an idea of the enormity of the company. It is believed that Janome sells it sewing machines in over 100 countries across the globe. They have invented a plenty of machines which have been emulated by other companies in the recent days. The company has been well ahead of several other counterparts in terms of its innovation. The company was founded in Japan and has a subsidiary for the American market in Mahwah, New Jersey, named as Janome America. Janome is one of the best-selling brands in the United States with its headquarters based in the city of Hachioji, Japan. In the space below, we talk about each sewing machine company in detail and also shed some light on a few of the best products from the respective companies. But these companies have lacked the consistency that is shown by the bigger names like Janome. However, there are many small brands that time and again come up with fantastic products at very cheap prices. Brands like Singer, Juki, Brother, and Janome have cemented their places as reliable companies that offer a wide fleet of sewing machine variables to the masses. There are several brands that have ruled the sewing world for the majority of the time.